Friday 22 July 2011

Transportation and Kaneshie Market

Alright, let`s see a little bit about how you can get around here. If you want to get somewhere, you can do two things: you either take a taxi or a tro-tro (ok, I`m not sure it`s written like this, but it`s said like this…). Most people here do the latter one. A tro-tro is like a minibus, in which they can fit even about twenty people. It got its name from the way it`s going on the roads that are sometimes full of holes. There are special routes for them and usually there`s a guy shouting which way they are going, that`s how people know which car to take. There are some traffic junctions where you can find a whole lot of different cars going in different ways, and there usually you can find the one you need just by asking the drivers about which car is going in that way. The tro-tros have no number at all or anything like that. Sometimes there are very long queues waiting for a car, so if you are not lucky, you can also pend hours standing in the queue, waiting to get home. But so far we have been very lucky. That`s how we went for example to Kaneshie market. It`s really a huge market, it has different departments for different kinds of food and it`s always very-very crowed. That`s also the place where they get the food for the school, too.
So far, I haven`t been alone to anywhere yet. I`m already learning the ways, but I still have quite a bit to learn. Also, I was told, that at some of these crowed places it might be a bit dangerous for me alone, so I just have to be careful, not stop for anybody, walk fast and things like that. Well, but altogether I think that traveling is really fun here, it`s quite an experience, that`s for sure.
And anyway, just as a bonus, here`s a picture of Kaneshie market, too: (just so that I don`t leave you without a picture :))

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