About the Volunteer Program

About Emmanuel School

Emmanuel School is founded by Miss. Kwofie Mercy. It´s located in Accra, the capital city of Ghana. It’s about 40 minutes drive from the airport, in North Kaneshie, right behind Holy Trinity Hospital, as you can see on the map below: 

The school consists of pre-school, primary school and junior high school, meaning that there are kids at the school from the age of 2 up to about the age of 16. The first ’class’ is the playgroup, after which they go to nursery at the age of 3, where they already learn the alphabet and numbers up to fifty. Later, in kindergarten 1 and 2 they learn how to write short words, while they also learn some mathematics and science. They start primary school at the age of 6 which has six classes, followed by the Junior High School. In the lower grades they have one or in some cases two class teachers, while in the upper grades they have subject teachers. There are approximately 300 students and about 20 teachers work for the school. 
School starts early: children usually start coming to school around 7 a.m. First thing in the morning they have assemblies where they sing the national anthem, as well as the school anthem, and also any announces can be made at this time, too. In the lower grades they close around 4 p.m. while in the upper grades children have classes until 5 p.m. For the school founder it’s not only important to maintain a good and personal relationship with the parents, but it’s at least as important to deal with the children personally and as full persons, not only the subject of the teaching. To help the children find integrity, they have common worshipping every Wednesday mornings and also, they have common activities every Friday afternoon which aim to help the children develop their talents. 
There’s a boarding house, too, which means that some of the children actually live at the school and only go home for vacations – or in some cases not even for that. There are about 30 boarders who this way stay on the territory of the school, together with the school founder and her family and also with most of the kitchen staff.
Volunteer opportunity

The school is looking for both male and female to teach English, French, Mathematics, fine arts, computer etc.
The candidate can apply any time of the year and for any length of stay – however probably he or she won’t have the same experience by staying just for a very short time. In case of shorter stay the volunteer can assist other teachers with teaching, help with marking, etc. Also, some help is always needed with the lower classes where in some cases there’s only one teacher for about 35 four-year-old kids. If the volunteer intends to stay for a whole term, she or he can also have own lessons. (There are three terms in one year, during which the main vacation times are in August and December.)
It is most appreciated if the volunteer has own ideas about how to help the school, the children and the teachers. The volunteer is not only to help with teaching, but also to keep good company for the children. All the children love it if the volunteer plays with them, tells stories to them, etc. – she or he will have the most opportunity for this in the afternoon, since the volunteer will stay at the school together with the boarders. Also, for these children there are learning sessions in the evening, when help with the homework is most appreciated.
Accommodation is provided at the school: you will have your own room on the territory of the school, which in case there are more volunteers at a time, maybe you will have to share with another volunteer. There is a cook: you will have three meals a day, mostly simple local food.

Program fee: 320 USD

The program fee is only 320 USD regardless of the lenght of your stay. The fee covers food, accommodation and application. You will be picked up at the airport; you will pay for any expenses involved (flight ticket, insurance, excursions in Ghana, etc.)

To apply for the program
  • go to http://www.heartwillteyi.org/emmanuelschool.html and click on apply
  • fill in the application form and send it
  • you will soon get an email about your volunteer coordinator whom you can still ask any questions about the program
  • at last you will have to pay 20 USD application fee at the same website
  • the remainig 300 USD will be paid on arrival at Emmanuel School to your volunteer coordinator.

If you have any questions about the volunteer program, you can also contact me (a past volunteer) via: