Friday 15 July 2011

The school life

Ok, let`s see a little bit about the school, where I`m staying. In Emmanuel School there are kids from about the age of two till junior high school. For the smallest ones they have a playgroup, then kindergarten, where they already learn a bit of reading and writing, and so on. In the lower classes there are really a lot of children, like 30 - 35 kids in kindergarten. To the school belongs a house where Mercy, the school founder lives, and also those children who stay here. I also have my own room by the school which is really nice. We usually get up early, around 6 in the morning, then have a bath, which means bathing with a bucket of water. Then around 7 the kids who don`t live here start coming to school, so that classes can start around 8. Before that there are assemblies for the kids, where they sing the national anthem and the anthem of the school while somebody is drumming. On my first day I was introduced to the kids during the assembly, and then I was mostly sitting in the nursery watching how teaching is here. Then on Monday we agreed that I`m going to teach English, computer skills, and maybe later photography, too. We made a timetable too, which was nice to have a schedule for my day. On these classes I mostly help the teachers, I for example correct the children`s exercises, and I help the children when they do individual work. On the computer classes I was mostly alone, and it didn`t go that bad I think, though I sometimes have some problems with keeping them quiet. Which I guess I could expect too, I`m not too good with keeping order… But I will get better, I know! :) Now I`m getting used to Ghanaian English too, and I think they start to understand me better, too. Oh yes, and I`m learning the Ghanaian language (Twi) too! I can already say ‘how are you?’ and ‘I`m fine`, and I can count, too! I will have to learn some more, too. The weekends anyway are not so busy here, as weekdays. Last weekend for example we read stories with the kids who stay here and I also went to church with them in the afternoon, where in the children`s section they were watching an allegoric movie about that the path to Jesus is not easy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh they look adorable in the picture above! This all sounds so exciting, your flight to Ghana, the first days and bathing with a bucket of water, wow that must be pretty tough. But keep up with the diary, it's a great idea! :)
