Wednesday 10 August 2011


Right now we are already done with year 2010/2011 and we just had the graduation last Saturday. Also before that, the last day of school was all about celebration: it was our day. The kids all came to school very nicely dressed up (not in their school uniforms) and they brought a whole lot of candies, biscuits and drinks to share with each other and the teachers. I think I haven`t even seen this many sweets since I have been here… Then, during the whole day there was music on, the kids were dancing around (even I danced a bit with them) and they were all asking me to snap them. They all looked so beautiful so I think I snapped like hundreds of pictures that day. It was really a great and fun day!

Then on Saturday we had the actual graduation. Alright, I think at first we have to get this clear: by graduation we don`t mean graduation from the secondary school, since right now we don`t have any big ones who would be leaving the school: they are just all moving one grade higher. But we had a class who just finished kindergarten and who is moving to primary school now (but they still stay in this school). So the graduation was actually for them, but it was all taken very seriously. The parents were invited and we had a lot of things to entertain them during the ceremony: like dance performances, sketches in French and all that kinds of things, that had been practiced thousands of times before this day. And the best part is, that before the end of the ceremony the graduates were all dressed up in uniforms that people usually wear at home when they graduate from university. They all looked so cute in it. At the end they even got a certificate that they have finished kindergarten.  

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