Friday 18 November 2011

Goodbye Emmanuel School

Unfortunately nothing can last forever and the end of this great four month that I got to spend at Emmanuel School came to the end too. Honestly I knew that saying goodbye would not be easy, but I didn’t think that it would be this hard. I guess somehow I thought that four month would be a longer time, but believe me, it’s way too short if you are spending it at a place like this.
But before leaving I still had a great day that I spent together with the kids and the teachers as well!! On the last Wednesday before I left, we had no classes in the morning, instead we had a program so that I could spend some more time with the kids. It all started with some speeches: at first Richard, my volunteer coordinator talked about what volunteering means and how I got there at all, after which two students speeches as well to say goodbye – one of them was talking in the name of all students and the other one in the name of the boarders – the kids who are staying at the school, so they were the ones who I spent most of my time with. They were so great, really, I just felt like that I cannot leave yet, it would be absolutely impossible. Because I love all these people so much… I was just struggling with crying and I couldn’t even talk when it was my turn. Ok, part of the truth is that I’m really bad with speeches in front of a lot of people, but the other part was that I was really touched by all these speeches…
After this I got tons of letters and presents from all the kids and we still had some time just to party together. All the kids and teachers were dancing together to real nice Ghanaian music (I got a CD full of this music, too before leaving! :)) and we really had great time together.
In the afternoon I had some time with the teachers too, when I got an amazing citation from them in which they are appreciating my volunteer time at the school, and I also got a beautiful banner with the school’s and my name on it, written with famous Ghanaian kente weave. We also had good food and drinks together. Right, and later I got an amazingly beautiful real Ghanaian dress, too to wear when I’m leaving Ghana. They are just so good to me that sometimes I’m not even sure that I will be able to pay it back…
I guess the point is that it’s really hard to leave a place like this, but this day we still had a great time together and I’m also sure that I got such experiences here that I will never ever forget these people!

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