Saturday 17 September 2011

Cape Coast Festival

Just as a pretty much last minute decision, one Saturday afternoon we set up to Cape Coast to see a live real Ghanaian concert. This was the closing event of their festival – a festival that`s based on the traditional culture of the chiefs and queen mothers and that is celebrated at different times in every town.
Well, because of the traffic jam around Accra, the concert almost started by the time we got to Cape Coast, but we could still find a nice place in the crowd to enjoy the concert.

The music wasn`t necessarily just traditional: we had all kinds of music from gospel to pop, rap and maybe also something like reggae. Just so that you can get a taste of this side of the Ghanaian culture, here are some videos of some of the artist we saw at Cape Coast:

Since the concert started at 10 p.m. and ended around 1:30 a.m., we didn`t really have a good chance to get a car back home, and also it sounded way more fun to spend the night at the ocean shore at Cape Coast. We even swam in the ocean at night, although now looking back, maybe it wasn`t the best idea, considering the chilly night that was waiting for us after this. Alright, probably it wasn`t too much colder than 15-18 degrees, but if you spend long hours in it without a sweater, you can get pretty much frozen, which makes sleeping a bit more difficult, even if you have comfortable wooden chairs to sleep on in front of a restaurant by the shore. Still, sleeping on the ocean shore was one of the best things that has happened to me here – it was already really time to do something crazy! :) Anyway, not to forget about waiting for the sunrise (even though it was a bit cloudy…) over the ocean and also Cape Coast Castle! The point is that despite of the cold and the lack of sleep, this trip was one of the best ones I had in Ghana so far.  

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