Friday 18 November 2011

I miss you...

I have already been at home for more than a week, but somewhere I feel that half of me is still left in Ghana, especially at the school…
I miss getting up early in the morning so that I still have some time alone with my thoughts in my room… Then I miss having my bath with that bucket of water that was so strange on my first day, but became so natural in a very short time… I miss being at class by 7 o’clock and starting to clean the louvers while the four-year-old kids are coming to school, proudly showing me their homework and also while teachers are saying good morning smiling through the window… I miss learning the alphabet, numbers and maths with the kids, and also drawing cats, houses and buses on the board so that they can copy them… I miss them calling my name just about hundred times a day, asking for eraser, pencil or telling me about who beat or pinched them… I miss them shouting ‘Me, me, me!’ when we asked who could answer a question…  I miss telling them stories and also when they were telling stories to each other even though lots of times I could hardly follow these stories… I miss telling them so many times to keep quiet… I miss sitting on the bench after closing when kids would come to me chatting… I miss all of them asking me to draw boardgames for them and teaching some of them how to make dice out of board paper… I also miss learning twi, the local language and trying to figure out what they are all talking about when they are speaking twi… I miss watching TV together with the kids while they are asking all kinds of questions from me… I miss when they hide under the table while I’m eating and pretend that they are some kind of small animals… I miss all the good Ghanaian food and I don’t know what I’m going to do here without eating fufu or banku… I miss everybody calling me obruni when walking on the streets… I miss all our great excursions with Richard… I miss squeezing into trotros and I also miss going all around Kumasi in trotros to get home since all the straight trotros were too busy… I also miss all the evenings spent at prep at school helping the kids with learning and being called to at least three places at a time…
I guess I could continue this forever, but the point is: I MISS YOU GHANA, I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU GHANA, I LOVE YOU GHANA!!!!!

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