Sunday 9 October 2011

Lets See the Teaching Plan: What are the Four-Year-Olds Supposed to Know Here?

Since nowadays I spend all my day in one class, namely kindergarten 1, I thought that it makes sense to write a little bit about the content of the education - in more simple words: to write about what these little kids learn here. Alright, children here already start actual learning in the nursery, which usually means the age of 3-4. By the time they go to kindergarten 1, they are already supposed to be able to write the alphabet from a – z and also write numbers from 1 – 50 (although this doesn`t happen in the case of every child…).
As I said, since we reopened in September, I`m teaching K.G. 1  (Kindergarten 1) together with another teacher – although considering that there are almost 35 children in our class, lots of times the two of us doesn`t seem to be enough at all, I often feel that if I had 10 clones of me then that would be almost enough. But anyway, at the beginning of the year we mostly revised the letters and the numbers with these children. Since then that from maths they have a lot of matching exercises– like matching certain numbers of object with a written number. From English they are learning simple grammar, like the use of `a` and `an`, learn how to read two letter words and later also three letter words. From letter to letter they learn the phonetics, too, so that they won`t only be able to say the alphabetic sound, but also the phonetic one, which will make reading a lot easier for them. We also have picture reading here which means for example having pictures of different activities and saying simple sentences with them – like `He is bathing.` or `She is cooking`. A lot of time is spent with drawing and writing, which includes copying of `uuuu` and `mmm` patterns and also different patterns of lines, as well as copying different words, but developing skills of art and creativity is also an important part of the teaching plan. They also have science, from which the most recent topic was for instance making a difference between living and non-living things. Besides all these we also have to prepare them for practical life: this week for example we learnt how to bath properly: from the top of their head down to the toes. 

All these is happening half in the form of frontal teaching, half in the form of individual learning, during which we also help them with their work. It`s true that it`s not always easy to be at 35 places at the same time to help them, give them enough erasers and pencils (which is a usual problem) and also mark their work, but it`s really-really worth it and it`s a fun thing to do too! :) I hope I already made you feel like you should be a volunteer here, because the school would happily welcome any enthusiastic candidate! :)

Related to the topic you can see some more pictures here.

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