Sunday 24 July 2011

Central Accra

This weekend I got to go to the central of Accra and do some sightseeing, too! Alright, first we took a tro-tro (you know, the car that I have already written about) to  central Accra, exactly to a huge market, called Makola market. Well, I thought that Kaneshie market (the one that`s closer to us) is a huge one, but then now I don`t know what to say about Makola market. It`s at least 4-5 times as big as Kaneshie market. We didn`t even go inside the buildings, we were just walking outside of the market buildings where the roads were still full of people selling their goods. And it was so crowed! Even this way that we didn`t go inside, I hardly have time to look everywhere, because I just had to go with the crowd… It`s quite an experience!

Then after a bit of walking we got to Kwame Nkrumah Museum. Kwame Nkrumah was the first to declare the independency of Ghana in 1957 and he was also the first president of Ghana from 1960. (Here you are, you can learn some history, too! :)) So this museum stands for him. The museum consists of a nice park, where there are some statues, a pretty modern monument for Kwame Nkrumah and it also has an inside parts, where you can see some pictures of him meeting other presidents, also Queen Elizabeth and all important people like that.


Very close to the museum you can find the Art Center that kind of stands in contrast with the museum`s modern monument. This is where traditional African art crafts are sold: all kinds of decorations, carpets, necklaces and a lot more. It`s a really nice place and since I love all these small stuff, I think I could spend here hours just looking around, but this time we didn`t have so much time, we still had a lot to see. 

After some walking we got to the Independence Square. Here`s there`s also a monument for the memory of 1957, and also a big square, where they sometimes have ceremonies and march around as a remembrance of the independence. There are also soldiers on one side of the square, so you are not really supposed to take pictures (actually at a lot of places you are not supposed top take pictures here…), but we still managed to take some :) 

  And on the other side of the square… there`s the ocean!!!!! It looks amazing! You just have to walk down through some rocks and then there`s the sandy shore, huge waves and some children playing around. We even saw some people who just went there to sleep (right, they are lucky, they don`t get burnt in the sun...). It`s really a great place to spend your freetime at.

After seeing all these we took a taxi and moved on to the military area. We didn`t take the first taxi, because the price he said was too much, probably if I weren`t there, he wouldn`t have said the same amount… Which is not fair… But anyway, we a saw a huge military hospital and then after some walking and then a palace, also built in very-very modern style. 

Altogether I felt that all the famous places were very modern, almost postmodern. I mean, I see that there`s something ancient and traditional here and then there`s this postmodern and I don`t know yet if there`s anything in between. We will see! :)

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