Friday 15 July 2011

Getting to here

The flight to Ghana was already an adventure. On the plane I could hardly see any white people (alright, maybe there were about 7 – 8 white people besides me) – at least I knew it for sure that I was on the right plane. It took at least 30 minutes to pack up everybody`s cabin bags, because they brought so much stuff on the plane that the room for the handbags was hardly enough. After this the captain announced that we would leave a bit late, because they mixed up the luggages and now there`s two of them missing and there are also three luggages on the plane that are not supposed to be there. After all these, we left at least an hour later than when we should have. The flight from London to Accra took us about six and a half hours till we landed at Kotoka International Airport. It was already evening when we landed, I couldn`t see any lights at all until I saw Accra, which looked really great from above. Getting through the visa control went easier than I would have thought: we only had to fill out a form on the plane so they asked for that form and the visa. They didn`t even ask any questions, didn`t even check my luggage (though they did check some other people`s), so I could just go free – it seems I didn`t look to dangerous for them… :) When I was coming out of the airport I saw a lot of people holding names who they were waiting for. I was looking at all the names till I saw Richard, my volunteer coordinator holding mine. From that time I knew that everything was alright. We sat in a taxi, took about a 40 minutes drive from the airport and then we arrived to Emmanuel School, which is in northern Accra, and which is now my home for a few month. Some of the kids live here, at the school, so they were waiting for me when I arrived and sang a lovely welcome song to me. It was just great!

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