Saturday 31 December 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

During my time in Ghana we had had fun with the kids lots of times by recording different songs with my cell phone. Once a little girl was singing 'Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year' to me (in the middle of summer!!! :)). I thought that it would be perfect for now, so here it is: Happy New Year to Everybody!!! :)

Friday 16 December 2011

Find Out About Your Twi Name

I just remembered that this misght still be interesting for you: in Ghana everybody has at least two first names - one usual English name (like Vanessa, Anthoney, Daniel and so on) and also a twi name. This twi name is given to them according to the day of the week when they were born. Therefore for them it's not only the date of birth that's important, but the day is at least as important. They all get their twi names depending on their birth day and also their sex and in their family most of the times they are called by this name.

This way just for fun, you can also find out about your twi name. The first think you have to do is to find out what day you were born. Just for people like me who had absolutely no idea about what day this specific day was in their birth year, here's a little help:
Follow this link, choose the month and year of your birth and click on make calendar.

Once you have found your day of birth, you can easily look up your twi name in the table bellow. Have fun! :)

(By the way, I'm Afia... :) )

Thursday 15 December 2011

Ghana's True Faces

Recently I created a video of some of my pictures in Ghana. I was trying to show you what I really experienced in Ghana and not what our stereotypes are about Africa. Because these are two very different things... Anyway, watch the video and enjoy it! :)